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        • Training course - Micromanipulation system and confocal microscope as powerful tools for the oocytes and embryo investigation IBIR-BAS, Sofia

          Jun 10, 2012

          A training course entitled “Micromanipulation system and confocal microscope as powerful tools for the oocytes and embryo investigation” was organized by the ReProForce programme. It held place in the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction (IBIR) in Sofia town on May 18-19, 2012. Sixty scientists and veterinaries from Bulgaria, Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia, Roumania, Greece and Germany, scientists from IBIR, students from Bulgarian Universities, medical doctors and embryologists from clinics for assisted reproduction in human and foreign partners from joint scientific projects participated in the course. Specially invited for the event were the lecturers Dr J.Grizej (Croatia), Dr Kunt and Daniela Roshlau (Germany) who shared their experience and practical guidelines for the choice and transfer of embryos with valuable economic characteristics.

          Welcome greetings to the participants and the willingness for establishing a mutual working collaboration with the represented foreign working groups were performed by the IBIR director Prof. D.Kacheva and the ReProForce project director Assoc. Prof. Margarita Mollova. In the course of two days, 4 lectures and 4 practical demonstrations showing contemporary approaches for collecting embryos by uterine lavage, micromanipulation techniques for taking biopsies and DNA analyses for sexing of early embryos, SNP analyses on the whole genome for selection of animals with improved economic and breeding value and fluorescent microscopy for investigation of the quality and development of embryos were presented to the attention of the course participants. Dr. Grizej, Prof. Kacheva and Dr. Shekerov reported about the specificities of early embryonal development in goat, buffalo and horse in order to improve the success of selected embryotransfer in these species. Dr Kunt and Dr Daniela Roshlau presented an interesting theoretical introduction for sampling biopsies for gender determination of early embryos. Later in practical demonstration, they showed taking of biopsies from embryos and fast and reliable gender determination of bovine embryos by DNA amplification of PCR technique. The potential of confocal microscopy in oocyes and embryos investigations were presented in detail in the lecture of Dr. Dimitrov and later demonstrated practically via staining and scanning of samples. Finally, certificates were given to the course participants.

          The participation of a large number of scientists and veterinaries from Balkan countries as well as from Germany gives a possibility for establishing of a network from regional and European collaborations within the ReProForce project.

          The participants expressed their genuine gratitude for the good organization of the course and highly evaluated its scientific and practical importance.

          In the culture program the guests had the chance to visit the archeological excavations in the basement of hotel Arena de Serdika. Discussions about the experience exchange continued in relaxed surrounding during supper in the panoramic restaurant of the hotel.

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